Pharmacy networks, electronic medical records, third-party billing, referrals— the medical establishment in this country runs on shared data. To ensure the safety and proper use of all of this highly sensitive and widely-shared information the US Congress passed the Health Insurance and Portability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). This law has changed the way healthcare related businesses operate inside the United States, and has had wide-reaching and expensive effects on every aspect of the healthcare industry.
There is no central certification authority for HIPAA, and the onus is on individual medical providers to ensure they are compliant with all of the appropriate “rules” within the act. HIPAA, while affording important protection, is a complex and cumbersome regulation with potentially severe civil and criminal penalties for violation. As such, compliance with the act is of utmost importance to “covered entities” (largely, billing providers, employer sponsored health plans, health insurers, and medical service providers, including doctor’s offices and pharmacies) who must ensure that any service provider they do business with is compliant if there is any chance that “Protected Health Information” is involved.
In order to provide our cutting-edge log management and analytics platform to these businesses we need to assure them that Sumo Logic can be trusted to handle this highly sensitive information in a secure and compliant manner. To accomplish this, Sumo Logic has undergone an extensive examination by a well-respected Certified Public Accounting firm who determined that Sumo Logic’s information security program “incorporates the essential elements of the HIPAA final security rule, including but not limited to administrative, physical and technical safeguards.”
This report, (available to Sumo Logic customers and prospects under NDA) is easily digestible by the compliance office at any medical company and will demonstrate our best-in-class dedication to the security of our customers’ data. Our commitment to data security and privacy makes Sumo Logic the only cloud-based log management solution able to demonstrate the ability to operate in a HIPAA regulated environment (as well as the only cloud-based log management service to carry a SOC 2 attestation, the replacement for the venerable SAS70.)
And our compliance story is just beginning! We have several other very exciting initiatives on the way over the next 12 months which will continue to prove that our dedication to enterprise-grade information security practices sets us clearly apart from the rest.